Women and Youth Engagement Initiatives

Women and Youth Engagement Initiatives

CENPEG recognizes the importance of inclusive governance and actively engages with women and youth to ensure their voices are heard and their perspectives are integrated into decision-making processes. Through targeted initiatives, CENPEG provides opportunities for women and youth to participate in local governance and contribute to the development agenda of their communities.

These engagement initiatives include:

Empowerment Workshops:

CENPEG organizes workshops specifically tailored for women and youth, focusing on leadership development, advocacy skills, and civic engagement. These workshops aim to build the capacity of women and youth to effectively participate in governance processes and advocate for their interests.

Fair Participation in Development Planning:

CENPEG promotes fair participation of women and youth in the formulation and review of annual district development plans. By ensuring their representation in planning processes, CENPEG facilitates the inclusion of diverse perspectives and priorities, leading to more responsive and inclusive development initiatives.

Awareness Campaigns:

CENPEG conducts awareness campaigns to highlight the importance of women and youth engagement in local governance. These campaigns aim to break down barriers to participation and promote a culture of inclusivity and diversity within decision-making structures.

Capacity Building for Gender and Youth Mainstreaming:

CENPEG provides training and technical assistance to local government officials and stakeholders on gender and youth mainstreaming in development planning and implementation. By enhancing awareness and understanding of gender and youth issues, CENPEG supports the integration of gender-responsive and youth-friendly approaches into local development initiatives.

Through these initiatives, CENPEG seeks to empower women and youth to actively participate in governance processes, amplify their voices, and contribute to the creation of more equitable and inclusive communities. By fostering the meaningful involvement of women and youth, CENPEG aims to strengthen local governance structures and promote sustainable development outcomes for all members of society.

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