Centre for Peace and Governance (CENPEG) is a premier research and consulting firm dedicated to advancing peacebuilding and governance initiatives worldwide. With a focus on evidence-based solutions and strategic guidance, CENPEG collaborates with governments, international organizations, NGOs, and private sector entities to address complex challenges in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.


At CENPEG, we envision a world where peace, governance, and sustainable development flourish. We aspire to be recognized as a trusted ally in this pursuit, utilizing our expertise and passion.


At CENPEG, our mission is to foster sustainable peace, effective governance, and socio-economic development through innovative research, strategic consultancy, and capacity-building initiatives.


CENPEG adopts a holistic approach to peacebuilding and governance, recognizing the interconnectedness of political, social, economic, and cultural factors.

Join Our Team

Our staff lead the way in creating safe, healthy, and inclusive communities for all. They are willing to take a chance; to roll up their sleeves, connect the dots, and work together to ensure that no one slips through the cracks.

Our Services

Research and Analysis

CENPEG conducts rigorous research and analysis on peace and governance issues, providing valuable insights and evidence-based recommendations to inform policy and practice.

Consultancy Services

We offer tailored consultancy services to governments, international organizations, NGOs, and private sector entities, assisting them in designing

Capacity Building

CENBEG designs and delivers capacity-building programs, workshops, and training sessions to enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals and organizations .

Conflict Management

CENPEG engages in comprehensive conflict management initiatives, encompassing conflict and peace mapping, baseline assessments.

Policy Development and Legal Services

Our expertise extends to policy development and legal services, including drafting and reviewing legal frameworks and contracting legal experts.

All Services

An overview of the supports and services we offer across the Africa.

Our Experts Team

Abdisamad Ali (Garoon)


Ahmed Abdi Shirwa

Heard of Mogadishu Office

Zakaria Abdikadir Mohamed

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