Citizen Engagement Platforms (FAGAARE)

CENPEG Centre for Peace and Governance (CENPEG) spearheads the facilitation of platforms, known as Fagaare, which serve as pivotal forums for fostering collaboration between local elected councils and citizens. These meticulously designed platforms are crafted to enhance accountability and answerability, providing a dedicated space where local councils can directly engage with citizens. By offering opportunities […]

Capacity Building

CENPEG conducts capacity-building workshops tailored for both local government officials and citizens, with the aim of enhancing their understanding of various aspects related to governance and development. For citizens, these workshops focus on equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to actively engage in the governance process. Participants learn about annual planning processes, budget […]

Women and Youth Engagement Initiatives

CENPEG recognizes the importance of inclusive governance and actively engages with women and youth to ensure their voices are heard and their perspectives are integrated into decision-making processes. Through targeted initiatives, CENPEG provides opportunities for women and youth to participate in local governance and contribute to the development agenda of their communities. These engagement initiatives […]

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